3 Quotes & Sayings By Richard Greenberg

Richard Greenberg is a New York Times bestselling author of over eleven books, including the award-winning "The Happiness Project" and "Marry Him." He has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and The View. He has been a recurring guest on NPR's Marketplace and All Things Considered.

The world requires me to re-write its wretched dialogue!
The world requires me to re-write its wretched dialogue! Richard Greenberg
The best thinking says 'the self' is a fiction (I have a piece about that), yet it's a fiction that we all believe, our most intimate experience. Maybe it's nothing more than our tendency to repeat. Maybe we repeat because when we do, we recognize the behavior and the familiarity is comforting. So the self is just the consolation of our tendencies. Richard Greenberg